Marin Weight Loss Center - Novato, CA

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Angela has lost 40 pounds and feels that her life has opened up for her in so many ways!

Angela has lost 40 pounds and feels that her life has opened up for her in so many ways!

In Angela's words...

I tell Cassale every time I see her that she changed my life. I started seeing Cassale in September of 2021, post-Covid lockdowns after I transitioned to working from home permanently. I was at my all-time high weight, and I was struggling to balance my life without leaving the house to head to work every day. I felt fat, isolated, and depressed.

I am a lifelong vegetarian and Cassale was quick to understand my situation. Within the first meeting, she identified that my diet was not balanced, and I was eating too many carbs and processed foods. She also picked up immediately that I was eating due to boredom and lack of social connection. 

Cassale provided me with a meal plan, and I started to prepare meals although I hate to cook. At first, I prepared processed foods and mostly bagged salads, but Cassale encouraged me to actually chop vegetables and even marinate my own tofu. Most of the recipes she gave me were easy and I asked for a lot of ideas when I felt stuck on what to make.  I am slow at losing weight and although I trended in a positive direction, Cassale never made me feel bad for my slow progress. She encouraged me to leave the house and go back to ballet classes which I had stopped attending during the covid lockdowns.

Cassale and I worked each week to set an intention for the week and a goal I could work towards. Not all of my goals were weight driven. In the 14 months, I have seen Cassale I have not only achieved my initial personal goal weight, but I attended a weeklong adult ballet camp in Utah over the summer as a middle-aged woman.  Something only my teenage self could have imagined. 

Cassale has also helped me remove ultra-processed foods from my diet entirely. I am still not the world’s best cook, but with Cassale’s coaching, I set and achieved a goal of making 50 homemade recipes during the last three months. My cooking has also encouraged my friends and family to cook more. 

I could have never believed before meeting Casale that I would be dancing in the Nutcracker this weekend, buying shirts in a size medium, or starting graduate school in January. I have been overweight my whole life and until now I could not even allow myself to imagine what it would be like to not be overweight. But with Casale’s help, I absolutely can now see a future where I do not have to be overweight, and I can be a healthy weight.

Cassale's words....

What a privilege it has been to work with Angela, to see her life open up to so many possibilities as her weight reduced and her health and wellbeing improved. Angela has been dedicated to her transformation and kept all her weekly appointments, kept improving her diet, exercising and learning how to cook! Angela is about to start a Graduate program and travel to Peru to present one of her papers for school, whilst holding down a full time job. Kudos to you - you amazing woman!!!