Marin Weight Loss Center - Novato, CA

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Kaity has lost 37 pounds and is flourishing in all aspects of her life!

In Katie's words...

I reached out to Marin Weight Loss and Wellness Center in January of 2022 after gradually gaining weight over the previous year despite working out regularly, eating what I thought my body needed and having an active lifestyle. I suffered from fatigue, migraines, brain fog and inflammation. Over the next year, Cassale guided me through my weightloss journey with  an abundance of knowledge, dedication and compassion.  It has been so much more than just weight loss, it is holistic care of my mind, body and spirit.

Checking in every week and logging my food kept me accountable and really opened my eyes to what my body needed to function best. Cassale was able to fine tune my diet plan as we learned what triggered my migraines and inflammation, and which foods lead to weight loss. Over the year, I lost 37 lbs and 10% body fat. 

I learned exactly what my body needs to function at its peak; it is now second nature to me. She helped me rewire my brain to automatically know how to fuel my body.  I no longer struggle with cravings or body pain, or the anxiety of wondering if  something I eat is going to cause a reaction. And I am truly flourishing in all aspects of my life.  Most importantly, Cassale taught me that nutrition is a form of self care and that I can't take care of others unless I take care of myself.

I highly recommend working with Cassale and her team. The tools she gave me will not only last my lifetime, but will be passed on to my family as well. So grateful!

Cassale's words....

I loved, loved working with Kaity! She was ready to learn about her body, her nourishment, her self care, what indeed was self care? Which included grocery shopping, planning meals, cooking and also asking others to help her with these tasks, it's all self care, especially giving yourself permission to ask for help and support. 

Bringing attention to all the ways we can offer ourselves self care and love, spoke to Kaity and landed just right. I was speaking her language in a soft, gentle way which allowed her to start understanding what she needed to do.

There is something so very special when I partner with a client to achieve their goals, when they are all in - Kaity was all in! She knew that this was working for her and wanted to keep reclaiming her health one step at a time.

I am so delighted as I sense into these long and lasting changes that Kaity has made, this is the work, the changed mindset, the established habits. It may seem repetitive as first but as you set the tone of your routine it just feels easier, life does!

Congratulations Kaity, you are truly remarkable!