Marin Weight Loss Center - Novato, CA

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Nicole has lost 40 pounds and is keeping it off!

In Nicole's words...

I started working with Cassale after noticing the “Marin Weight Loss and Wellness” sign next to my son’s pediatrician’s office. I was at my heaviest weight and, honestly, had resolved to be at peace with just feeling “fat” the rest of my life. After yo-yo dieting with other diet plans, I did not have much confidence that a new weight loss program would help me make permanent changes. I had gained weight after having my two sons and with the covid lockdown, fell into some very poor lifestyle eating habits.

Cassale’s global approach to weight loss appealed to me as she didn’t solely focus on eating, but the emotional and exercise components as well.

I began by making a full overhaul of my meals. I was able to follow the eating guidelines set out of for me and try some of the recipes included in the plan. While at first I was skeptical anyone could find a way to make the changes Cassale was talking about, over time, I realized how to make these modifications work with my life. I found shopping shortcuts, easy recipes, and dinners that my whole family could eat. With two young kids at home and a full time job, I knew that, while making these changes initially would be difficult, if I could just make them second-nature they would become permanent.

While difficult at first, as the weight began to came off, I noticed so many positive changes to my body and mind, that it helped me to stick with the program. Little things you don’t think about (like my wedding ring fitting better, or compliments from people I hadn’t seen in a long time), gave me the motivation to keep with it.

After I lost the majority of my goal weight, I began to explore exercising and returned to classes and interests that I hadn’t been able to enjoy in years- like yoga, group exercise classes, and pilates. With the introduction of physical movement I could really feel that my body was “course correcting” (as Cassale would put it), and turning back towards a healthier state.

I cannot thank Cassale and the whole team at Marin Weight Loss and Wellness for all the improvements to my life. I feel more energized, more clear-headed, stronger, and healthier for myself and my family. Now my kids and husband accompany me to the YMCA on the weekends and they love it! My family is also learning about healthier eating habits and I am teaching them about nutrition through example. I feel proud of what I have accomplished and am hopeful that my healthier lifestyle will be a permanent way of life.

In Cassale's words....

What a joy and honor it has been to work with Nicole. Each week I would see something new that Nicole was doing for herself and with each new nutrition or lifestyle shift I felt her motivation and confidence growing. Her adherence to the program and ensuring she  hit her Macronutrients each day was what allowed her weight to shift so quickly. 

Nicole lost 36 pounds in 4 months and during her maintenance has lost 3 more and is keeping off the weight beautifully, by eating clean, exercising regularly, hydrating and sleeping well.

Nicole has not only changed the trajectory of her own health but changed the way her family and children are eating. This allows for a family culture of eating behavior which can be passed down from generation to generation. Health is something that has to be worked for and earned.

Nicole you certainly are so deserving of the gift you have given yourself and your family!