Marin Weight Loss Center - Novato, CA

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Would you like to rebuild your health, to live your best life?

Can you remember what your best health felt like? What period of your life were you in when you had incredible energy, you were at a healthy weight, you were active, and life was fun?


 Is the memory of that time - long ago, maybe from your teen years or when you were in your 20's? Do the aches and pains, the ongoing visits to medical practitioners, keep you from imagining something different? 

Sometimes when we are not feeling optimized in any part of our life, we just start to accept the status quo, that this is how it is as we age! Ho hum....

 Guess what - it doesn't have to be that way!

 You can rebuild your health at any stage of your life.

 I equate rebuilding your health to building a new house that you are going to live in. You are rebuilding with purpose and intention, deciding on how you want to shape your new home, what form you wish to take, what materials do you need. You start by laying the foundations:

  • Eating healthy

  • Starting to move your body

  • Hydrating

  • Getting your sleep

  • Moderating your stress

When you have your foundation set, then you need to start putting in your framework. Setting boundaries for yourself and how you want to live in this world, on your terms. Boundaries with loved ones, friends, family and with your work. It is also time to start reflecting on what you have on Auto Pilot in your life. What habits do you have that get repeated every day without a thought about if they are moving you towards health or not. You can change, you just need to see what you want to change.

 You don't have to be on Auto Pilot, change is the inevitable it is the constant - if you are not in a flux of change, you need to start asking yourself some very important questions!

 Then there is architecture, what type of eating style do you like, what do you think will benefit your health the best in the long term. Remember that anything that is going to satisfy you long term will need some hard work, grit, and determination in the short term. Remember those all nighters at college, preparing for finals...oh yes, you have it, remember?

 Then you start getting into the finer details, textiles, fabrics, fittings. The quality of what you put into your new house. Do you need to start visiting the farmers market once a week? Do you question what happens to the food that goes into your body and does it either help build your house or cause it to break down? Are you putting toxins into your body, too much alcohol, soda, simple carbohydrates and sugar? Ask yourself the questions.

 The more you optimize your health, the more you want to build it out, build your house - because what this process leads you to is FREEDOM. Tell me a person that doesn't want freedom. To move, feel and be just the way you want.

 How do you want to build your house?

We are here to support and encourage you to discover and articulate your deepest dreams and desires for your sturdy, healthy house. You’ll receive the guidance needed to act so you can start living your best life now!

I look forward to hearing about your house.


Cassale Sherriff

Nutritionist, Exercise Physiologist