Weight Loss Clinic Program Near Me, Nutrition Coaching Novato, San Rafael, Petaluma, Marin County, CA

before & after our happy clients



I reached out to Marin Weight Loss in January of 2022 after gradually gaining weight over the previous year despite working out regularly, eating what I thought my body needed and having an active lifestyle. I suffered from fatigue, migraines, brain fog and inflammation. Over the next year, their nutritionists guided me through my weightloss journey with  an abundance of knowledge, dedication and compassion.  It has been so much more than just weight loss, it is holistic care of my mind, body and spirit.

Checking in every week and logging my food kept me accountable and really opened my eyes to what my body needed to function best. The plan given to me was able to fine tune my diet plan as we learned what triggered my migraines and inflammation, and which foods lead to weight loss. Over the year, I lost 37 lbs and 10% body fat. 

I learned exactly what my body needs to function at its peak; it is now second nature to me. They helped me rewire my brain to automatically know how to fuel my body.  I no longer struggle with cravings or body pain, or the anxiety of wondering if  something I eat is going to cause a reaction. And I am truly flourishing in all aspects of my life.  Most importantly, they taught me that nutrition is a form of self care and that I can't take care of others unless I take care of myself.

I highly recommend working with the Marin Weight Loss team. They gave me tools that will last my lifetime, and be passed on to my family as well. So grateful!

Our words....

I loved, loved working with Kaity! She was ready to learn about her body, her nourishment, her self care, what indeed was self care? Which included grocery shopping, planning meals, cooking and also asking others to help her with these tasks, it's all self care, especially giving yourself permission to ask for help and support. 

Bringing attention to all the ways we can offer ourselves self care and love, spoke to Kaity and landed just right. I was speaking her language in a soft, gentle way which allowed her to start understanding what she needed to do.

There is something so very special when I partner with a client to achieve their goals, when they are all in - Kaity was all in! She knew that this was working for her and wanted to keep reclaiming her health one step at a time.

I am so delighted as I sense into these long and lasting changes that Kaity has made, this is the work, the changed mindset, the established habits. It may seem repetitive as first but as you set the tone of your routine it just feels easier, life does!

Congratulations Kaity, you are truly remarkable!


I started working with Marin Weight Loss after noticing the “Marin Weight Loss and Wellness” sign next to my son’s pediatrician’s office. I was at my heaviest weight and, honestly, had resolved to be at peace with just feeling “fat” the rest of my life. After yo-yo dieting with other diet plans, I did not have much confidence that a new weight loss program would help me make permanent changes. I had gained weight after having my two sons and with the covid lockdown, fell into some very poor lifestyle eating habits.

Their global approach to weight loss appealed to me as they didn’t solely focus on eating, but the emotional and exercise components as well. I began by making a full overhaul of my meals. I was able to follow the eating guidelines set out of for me and try some of the recipes included in the plan. While at first I was skeptical anyone could find a way to make the changes they were talking about, over time, I realized how to make these modifications work with my life. I found shopping shortcuts, easy recipes, and dinners that my whole family could eat. With two young kids at home and a full time job, I knew that, while making these changes initially would be difficult, if I could just make them second-nature they would become permanent.

While difficult at first, as the weight began to came off, I noticed so many positive changes to my body and mind, that it helped me to stick with the program. Little things you don’t think about (like my wedding ring fitting better, or compliments from people I hadn’t seen in a long time), gave me the motivation to keep with it. After I lost the majority of my goal weight, I began to explore exercising and returned to classes and interests that I hadn’t been able to enjoy in years- like yoga, group exercise classes, and pilates. With the introduction of physical movement I could really feel that my body was “course correcting”, and turning back towards a healthier state.

I cannot thank Marin Weight Loss and the whole team for all the improvements to my life. I feel more energized, more clear-headed, stronger, and healthier for myself and my family. Now my kids and husband accompany me to the YMCA on the weekends and they love it! My family is also learning about healthier eating habits and I am teaching them about nutrition through example. I feel proud of what I have accomplished and am hopeful that my healthier lifestyle will be a permanent way of life.

Our words....

What a joy and honor it has been to work with Nicole. Each week I would see something new that Nicole was doing for herself and with each new nutrition or lifestyle shift I felt her motivation and confidence growing. Her adherence to the program and ensuring she hit her Macronutrients each day was what allowed her weight to shift so quickly. 

Nicole lost 36 pounds in 4 months and during her maintenance has lost 3 more and is keeping off the weight beautifully, by eating clean, exercising regularly, hydrating and sleeping well. Nicole has not only changed the trajectory of her own health but changed the way her family and children are eating. This allows for a family culture of eating behavior which can be passed down from generation to generation. Health is something that has to be worked for and earned.

Nicole you certainly are so deserving of the gift you have given yourself and your family!


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About a year ago I noticed that my eyesight was changing. I delayed having my eyes checked during the pandemic's shelter in place order. When I finally had my vision checked, I was told that I should contact my doctor immediately because my eyesight had changed dramatically, and that could be a sign of a significant health issue. My doctor had my blood tested and I was diagnosed as being "pre-diabetic." I was in shock because I had been regularly exercising by dancing, hiking or biking every day, had been eating a strict plant-based diet, and had been doing intermittent fasting. I was aware I was about 20 pounds overweight, and was trying to lose the extra pounds, but did not believe I had unhealthy eating habits. My health insurance provider gave me a video to watch with basic information like don't drink sodas or eat junk food. But, I felt there must be a different issue for me because I have not eaten white, refined sugar in 25 years, and don't eat junk food. My insurance provider told me that they would not refer me to a nutritionist until I was diagnosed with diabetes. I decided that I wasn't going to wait for that to happen, and sought support on my own from Marin Weight Loss and Wellness Center who is a knowledgeable, wise and caring teacher and supporter. That was the best decision ever for my health and wellbeing.

I discovered that even though I don't drink alcohol and I don't eat sugar, gluten or dairy, when I started eating a plant based diet, I started taking in more carbs than my body could handle. The nutritionists and doctor encouraged me to make a few basic changes in my diet that resulted in my losing the last 20 pounds. They provided support as I learned just how many calories and grams of fat, carb and protein I need to maintain a healthy weight. Within 60 days, my blood tests were back to normal and I was no longer diagnosed as being pre-diabetic. I can't thank MWWC enough for helping me!

Many times in my life I have lost weight, but I have never been able to keep the weight off. Marin Weight Loss and Wellness Center helped me to find an approach that works for me involving planning meals ahead that meet my nutritional needs. They taught me how to use an app that helps me track my progress. Now I eat a variety of tasty foods that bring me much pleasure. I can honestly say that my meals now are much more delicious than any I used to have. Rather than avoiding the problem, I understand my nutritional needs and what foods (and food combinations) help me feel nourished. I have embraced improving my relationship with food. Rather than seeing myself in a battle with food, I am using food as medicine to nourish me.

Food and my relationship to eating are complicated topics. More than simply nutritional sustenance, food is at the centerpiece of my familial and cultural traditions. Serving food provides an occasion for bonding with my friends and family, and can act as an expression of my individuality and my love for others. Food is both fuel and medicine for my body, mind, heart and soul. I try to be conscious of everything I eat by having a balanced and healthy diet. I am grateful to Marin Weight Loss and Wellness Center for helping me to avoid a serious health issue and for teaching me how to have a healthy relationship with delicious food that meets my nutritional needs.



Covid stress is no joke. During the 2020 portion of this pandemic, I felt myself aging at an accelerated pace. Almost immediately, stress related health problems began to manifest. Trying to live through a pandemic was hard enough, and adding to it was the fact that I was leading an ambitious mission-driven nonprofit that relied heavily on in-person events to raise the majority of its revenue. It wasn’t easy. My coping mechanisms were vast – ranging from meditation and walking to a nightly round of potato chips and Chardonnay when I finished each day of Zoom calls!

In November 2020, I visited with my doctor who acknowledged that my increasing stress-related issues would have better outcomes if I lost weight. I said to her, “Yes, but I need a coach”. And she gave me the name of Marin Weight and Wellness, which was a game changer.

I went in for a consult with my nutritionist and the doctor, and stared down the barrel of having to make significant changes in my eating habits. It was daunting. But it was also an opportunity to change the narrative. I decided to use the isolation time of the pandemic in a more positive and mindful way.

The dietary changes were hard at first. There was some detoxing and some food longing. But my nutritionist promised me I would not be hungry, and for the most part, that was spot on. The change in eating, the weight loss, the exercise and strength training became a positive project for me to focus on. I adjusted my cooking, tried new foods, became more mindful with my eating and exercise. And through it all, the team were there to encourage, inform and coach me. It made a world of difference.

I am now 40+ pounds lighter and I am off the meds that I had started taking to deal with some mounting health issues. I am healthier and have far less risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. My clothes no longer fit me and I have to shop for an entirely new (smaller) wardrobe; a good problem!

Most significantly, I have a lot more energy and endurance! I have benefitted greatly from this program and have absolutely loved working with the nutritionists here.

Flecha Tovar

I did it!! I won the state title of Ms. Hawaii USA!!! And I truly don’t think I could’ve done it without Marin Weight Loss! I am off to Ms. America in August! Part of my competition was physical fitness.

The plan she put me on truly changed the course of my life forever. I don’t feel I would’ve had the confidence to proceed if it weren’t for the doctor and the amazing work he did. The guidance and caring truly change the course of my life forever.

Dreams really do come true, with perseverance, dedication to your diet, exercise, and nourishment of your brain as well. It is so great to work with the doctor, the team, and above all, it means a lot to me to make her proud.



In the Spring of 2020, I was taking a semester off school, living in California. I was supposed to be living my best life- enjoying the warm weather, hiking, going to the beach. But I wasn’t. I was embarrassed and afraid to go outside. I was getting exhausted quickly when I did brave an activity. I hated how I looked in pictures. And my body, especially my feet, hurt all the time. My problem- I had put on so much weight. I was the heaviest I’d ever been. I was trying to eat right and exercise, but I was depressed and miserable all the time, so it was difficult. I found myself emotional and stress eating. And it only made my situation worse. I decided it was time to change...

I ended up in a doctor’s office. In his words I was “too young and too beautiful to weigh over 300 pounds.” He was right. He told me that I needed to lose weight, and that the folks at Marin Weight loss could help me. I met with my nutritionist soon after. She seemed to have all the answers to my questions and problems. Not only did she know what foods I needed to eat, she would make me a meal plan with recipes. And not just that- she knew how to help me find emotional balance again- lower the need to emotionally eat and help me to reach for other things. 

And she told me that she would help me reach my goals, all of them. I was so overwhelmed- both with excitement and with fears. I cried on the way home, because I wanted what she was offering so much, but I didn’t know if I could do it. But I did. It wasn’t easy. I had to make a lot of changes. But I was committed to do whatever I needed to do to become the person that I wanted to be. Needed to be. 

Together, over the course of about a year, they helped me to lose 100 pounds! But it’s not about what I lost, it’s about what I gained. I can work out and hike again. This is not only important for enjoyment reasons, but also for my studies- I study environmental biology and do lots of field work. I can get out of bed and my feet don’t hurt. I leave the house and go outside more and more, not just when I NEED to, but when I WANT to. 

I gained a functioning digestive tract, especially my stomach. I gained relationships with my husband, my parents, my friends, as I leaned on them and became more   available for them to lean on me. I gained empathy and love and self-confidence. I gained the life I was looking for.

I am still on my journey. I still have weight to lose. And then I will need to make sure that I don’t return to my bad habits. But working with them has given me all kinds of tools for my toolbox to help me make good eating and emotional choices, and I am excited to keep figuring it out.


On my 60th birthday I looked in the mirror and knew I was finally ready to commit to changing my life. That day my soul’s alarm clock went off. I realized that so many people in my circle had died in their sixties and I wanted at least another 25 years. I knew that if I did not find a way to drop significant weight and get off long-term medications I would not make it. There are no guarantees however I wanted to give myself a better chance!

Over the last 25 years I have attended many health and nutrition classes and participated in at least 3 long cleanses so I knew what I needed to do. I had the knowledge but also realized that I had never embraced the real lifestyle commitment, attitude and devotion it would require to make a lasting change.

Over the years I had short term results and weight loss, but I never was able to sustain it. I thought all the dietary restrictions, overly aggressive exercise and sense of suffering was just not worth it. I enjoyed my breakfast muffins, sandwiches, cheese and crackers, pasta and deserts too much to make the real effort to be healthy. Worse yet, I convinced myself that uncontrolled eating and gluttony was ok.

But now I desired to bring myself into a balanced physical state where I would not be as susceptible to aging and disease. My goals included maintaining this new fine-tuning at a cellular level and to be able to share more energy with those that I love. I also knew this was going to be a bigger commitment than I had ever undertaken, that my internal dialogue would be a challenge and while I was not lacking the courage, I could not do this alone.

Meeting and working with this nutritionist team has truly been the touch of the divine. Strong, gentle and artful coach, sharing considerable wisdom in context of my individual history, needs, concerns and psychology traits. They encourage good habits, share appropriate information, but most importantly take the time to listen to my journey and vulnerabilities. Encouraging and supporting my process and truly celebrates my success. Thank you, this transformation would not have been possible without the team at Marin Weight Loss and Wellness.

The biggest insight from this ongoing experience is just that, my health and wellness journey is a process not an event. It is not a finite date when I say, I am done, that is all, go back to what used to be normal. It is now a deeper listening to my goals, objectives and obstacles and knowing that I am strong and can be patient, loving and healthy towards myself every day. And the new clothes are fun too!


Amazing, but true - one year and a fifty pound loss - thanks to the team at Marin Weight Loss and their dedicated nutritionists.

I am 76 years old, was starting to have high blood pressure, digestion problems, everything was an effort, borderline depressed and of course - overweight!  My solution was to get the best nutrition counseling and a diet program that would work for me. As of today, most of my health problems have been resolved.

After some research on the internet, I found Marin Weight Loss.  They have been fantastic! Kept me on track, gave me great advise, cheered me on and came up with workable solutions.

Diet alone is of course not enough - so I embarked on a exercise program that included one hour walks and SoulCycle - something every day.  I have not reached my goal yet - but I am only 7 pounds away. The last ten pounds have been the most challenging, trying to get past a stubborn plateau but with everyone's help and encouragement - I will get there soon.

Thank you so much to everyone at Marin Weight Loss for their knowledge, encouragement and support.


I came to Marin Weight Loss and Wellness about six months ago as a beer drinking, burger and pizza eating guy with a strong aversion to eating fruits and vegetables. My eating habits were horrible and, really, always had been. Fruits and vegetables were never a regular part of my diet. I’m convinced that these eating habits were a big part of why I contracted colo-rectal cancer at the age of 45. After going through a year of treatment and successfully winning my fight against cancer, I went straight back to my old eating habits. Within several months, I regained all the weight I had lost during treatment, and then some. I knew something had to change, and with a gentle push from my partner, I went to Marin Weight Loss and Wellness  for some help.

When I first met with my nutritionists, I was terrified! I just knew they were going to make me eat a bunch of horrible things and I would hate it. Well, I was wrong. They listened carefully to my likes and dislikes and worked with my mental hang-ups with certain textures and flavors. They built a plan that not only got me eating fruits and vegetables but also included elements to help cleanse my body of remnants of radiation and chemotherapy.

So, back to now. In these six months, I’ve learned to eat things that I never thought I would eat. Heck, last week I made asparagus and cauliflower soup…and it was good! I’ve gotten over some mental roadblocks that kept me from eating healthy. I still eat pizza. I still eat burgers. I still drink beer. But I’ve learned to limit those foods and surround them with healthier options. I’ve learned balance in my food consumption. The result is that I’ve lost 30 pounds, my blood pressure is down, my cholesterol is down, and I feel better than I have in years.

Thank you Marin Weight Loss and Wellness!


I had been slender in the past, and saw myself that way - but the mirror and the scale reflected something different in recent years: that weight had crept on until I weighed 165 pounds! I decided I’d had enough of that and I sought out Marin Weight Loss and Wellness, to do something about it. The staff were instrumental in supporting me to reach my health and weight goals.

The Marin Weight Loss & Wellness program offered me medical guidance, emotional support and encouragement, special foods, a detailed plan and importantly, explicit education in how to structure my food intake to achieve my goals in a healthy manner. As a result, over the past 5 months I was able to lose 30 pounds and I have had a permanent change in how I see food and nutrition. The last 10 pounds were the trickiest and the staff supported me all the way to my goal.

I thank Marin Weight Loss and staff for helping me achieve my goal!


What was life like before your weight loss?
I was embarrassed by my weight with no motivation to go out or dress up. I used to become so stressed and frustrated when trying on clothes, nothing fitted!

What was the program like for you?
I have tried different programs before but this has worked so well. The nutritionists here are able to give you the support and motivation you need, it’s like nutrition therapy. I have been able to make the changes that were necessary to reduce my weight and maintain the weight loss.

As I changed my habits my family became healthier and our younger daughter was able to lose 25lbs right in time for her graduation. What also helped me was the support of my family, encouraging me all the way through.

How has your life changed?
I have increased energy and am more mindful now, making much better choices. I give priority to preparing and cooking healthy meals, exercising regularly and always thinking about what else I can do to improve my health. I put on a bathing suit for the first time in years and felt confident and excited.

What was it like working with my nutritionists?
Working with the team was amazing, I looked forward to seeing them every week and learnt so much. I have really appreciated all her support during this process. They have assisted me in learning how to have long term weight management and I now have a lifelong commitment to be as healthy as I can! I learned that health and well-being is also a life long journey for her as well.

 What were your overall health benefits?
When I came into Marin Weight Loss & Wellness for the first time I had fatty liver, hypothyroidism, and Type 2 Diabetes, I am no longer taking medications for any of these conditions and my tests are now negative for all of these diseases. I used to suffer from debilitating headaches – but no longer! My skin & hair have improved and I no longer have knee pain that used to prevent me from exercising.

As I dropped my weight my health improved dramatically!

Tej & Shruti

At the time we didn't know it, but our journey towards finding our way to Marin Weight Loss & Wellness began almost five years ago. In that span we went from being active, generally healthy individuals to sedentary, over-tired parents. Working out was replaced with longer commutes, lunch was eaten at our desks, and sleep was replaced with crying babies. Trying to balance work life and personal life began to take its toll on us and before we knew it, we were overweight, unhealthy, and unhappy (although being overweight and unhealthy together is better than nothing - right?).

As new parents, we wanted to take our daughter out as much as possible - let her experience her new world - but there was always an excuse - we were either too tired, too embarrassed (no clothes that fit), or anything else to keep us at home. We avoided taking pictures because we didn't like what we saw staring back at us. After the birth of our second child we knew we had to get in shape, if not for us, then for our kids. We tried everything - eating healthier, exercising, sleeping (or at least getting to bed earlier) - nothing seemed to work. It felt like we were in an endless cycle of putting on weight. Finally, a desperation Google search led us to Marin Weight Loss - and thank goodness!

Marin Weight Loss & Wellness has changed our lives forever! We have learned how to eat - not only portion control, but also the nutrition behind the food we eat - and we eat a lot! Being vegetarian can be difficult when looking for various sources of protein - but we have had fun researching and coming up with our own recipes and trying out new foods. Going through this transition together has also been crucial - doing this separately would have been impossible. We have leaned on each other at various times to keep each other motivated, and together we have made sure that no excuses get in our way. Our energy has increased tremendously, and the pain in our knees & back have disappeared. The commute still sucks, work hours are still long, but our attitude and approach have changed. We take every chance we get to be outdoors with the kids, and hopefully our new knowledge of taking care of ourselves will pass down to them. Thank you everyone at Marin Weight Loss & Wellness for your wealth of knowledge, care and commitment in helping us succeed!


When three separate doctors are floored by your weight loss -- both proud and astounded at the same time -- you know something is working. I have energy, stamina and the drive to be in my life now. My husband and children have noticed not only my weight loss, but the happiness, control, and sense of self that I have regained. They eat the healthy dishes and snacks I now prepare- no complaints, only compliments! I know I've changed their lives by changing mine. I can't explain why it's been easy-- allowing for flexibility to go with me whether traveling or dining out, or when there's been a bump in the road, a seemingly fast course-correct has been put in place, but it has been. I know I will always worry about my weight, but with the tools Marin Weight Loss and Wellness has given me, I now have the power.

Having always battled my weight, this past summer I hit the proverbial wall. I was at my highest weight, and my lowest point. I knew it was time for a reset, and by chance found Marin Weight Loss and Wellness. From the first phone call to the first consult I knew it was right. The support, guidance, plans, and knowledge I have received have been second to none. Coming from a place of hopelessness the doctor and nutritionists, built me up, fueled me with plans and recipes crafted from the best foods, and have set me on not just a journey but back on track within my own life.


Marin Weight Loss & Wellness Center is a game changer! After years of struggling with my weight and attempting what feels like every possible diet out there, I made the choice that enough was enough! My weight has consistently fluctuated over the years and each time I would lose weight, I found myself gaining everything back, plus some more. I needed more than a diet “trick” to drop the weight, I needed the education on how to make a lifelong lifestyle change and some support in doing so.

A family member had heard about the program that Marin Weight Loss and Wellness Center had to offer, so I figured why not give it a try. At my initial visit, I knew I had found the perfect match for me! The staff was incredibly welcoming and the nutritionist, had me hooked! Her warm, understanding and calm demeanor were not only welcoming but also incredibly comforting. She helped me select the personal plan that would work best for me and my lifestyle.

I met with my nutritionist weekly and had check-ups with the doctor along the way. We would set weekly goals and discuss how I planned to achieve them. The entire staff has been vital members in helping me achieve the weight loss and find my new way of life. They have been my biggest supporters and people that I look forward to seeing each week. They have given me a lifelong education in health and nutrition, something that is absolutely irreplaceable. I have a new understanding of what I am putting into my body and the importance of maintaining this healthy and positive lifestyle! Not to mention, I am now quite the cook!

I cannot recommend this center enough! I am forever grateful for all that I have learned and the life-changing effect it has had on me. If you are wanting to make a change but are unsure of how to do it, just walk in that front door! Once you meet this supportive and sympathetic team you, too, will be hooked just as I was. They have forever changed my life in the best way possible!


I don’t even know where to begin when it comes to expressing my gratitude and appreciation for this place. You are welcomed into a world of no judgement and all the support that you could ever ask for. I tried so many diets and options, but by far this is the best place that I have ever been to. Knowing that each week I am one step closer to my goal is SO rewarding!

The most important thing to remember is that weight loss takes time and a strong motivation to do it, AND just like many others, I thought of every excuse in the book not to join a program like this (or any other diet program for that matter) but it was the BEST decision I ever made.

I am forever grateful to the team for everything they have done thus far. Their kindness, ability to make me laugh and be the rock that I have needed has been the best reward that I could ask for. THANK YOU!


On June 19, 2013, I began my journey with Weight Loss & Wellness.

I had some specific chronic stomach obstacles, so we started out slow. Working with the doctor and nutritionists I was able to learn new eating habits that worked within my limitations. I’ve had success on the scale and disappointments as well.

While getting healthier with my stomach, I strayed from the path of success after losing 30 lbs. By March 6, of this year I had regained all but 9lbs of my weight. One day after listening to the owner discussing a cleaner way of eating I recommitted myself to learning a better way of living.

I now eat fresh fruits and vegetables, I grill my own meats, started making salads for lunch that are so pretty and healthy I take pictures because I am so proud! I was a microwave kind of girl!

It all started with being ready again and having loving supportive people behind you like I do today. I can’t tell you what happened on that March day to change my willingness but I transitioned to a new me achieving a 30lb weight loss again.

The scale though is not the success. The success is how I feel when I wake up rested, how my face looks in the mirror with a happiness and new glow, it’s how my clothes fit and last but not least the new choices I’ve implemented in my life. I go to bed at night with less food regrets and proud of my successes. Thank you, to this practice for all the new information and whole food choices that have changed my life. My Journey continues!


I am 61 years old and very concerned about my health. I decided to do something about it and had seen the results a friend of mine had at Marin Weight Loss & Wellness. 

At my first consultation, I felt at ease speaking with the doctor and the nutritionist, about how I had arrived at my then weight. They really listened and outlined what my options would be.

Since that visit I have learned to make the right choices when I go out to dinner or at friends.  I have said goodbye to 22 pounds and am working on saying farewell to more weight loss with the continued support of Marin Weight Loss & Wellness.

The staff are warm and welcoming, Rachanna and Stephanie are the best.  They are very helpful with any questions about the program.  I always looked forward to seeing them.



I first saw the Doctor here in June 2012, about 3 years ago. From the time of my first visit, I lost approx. 40 Ibs.  In my case, that represented around ¼ of my highest weight.

It took me 10 months to lose the 40 lbs, and I have kept it off. The key to keeping the weight off is a total lifestyle change, including what I eat, timing of food intake, and continual exercise, in my case mountain biking. I supplement my diet with protein bars and shakes, purchased from the office.

I am 65 and have Type II diabetes, which is prevalent in both sides of my family. After years of oral medication, I was put on insulin about 10 years ago. Unfortunately, the education that I had been given relative to insulin was insufficient and ineffective. What my doctor provided me, and no other practitioner had, were the educational tools to understand the relationship between insulin, food types, and weight. The first thing she said to me was “cut your insulin in half”, which was shocking to me at the time. She told me quite simply that I was feeding my insulin – and she was right!

The most important benefit of working with a really good doctor was not only figuring out what worked for me, but the reasons why. With education, my knowledge of the implications of the lifestyle change will always guide me.


I tell the team every time I see them that they changed my life. I started seeing at Marin Weight Loss in September of 2021, post-Covid lockdowns after I transitioned to working from home permanently. I was at my all-time high weight, and I was struggling to balance my life without leaving the house to head to work every day. I felt fat, isolated, and depressed.

I am a lifelong vegetarian and my nutritionist was quick to understand my situation. Within the first meeting, she identified that my diet was not balanced, and I was eating too many carbs and processed foods. She also picked up immediately that I was eating due to boredom and lack of social connection. 

She provided me with a meal plan, and I started to prepare meals although I hate to cook. At first, I prepared processed foods and mostly bagged salads, but they encouraged me to actually chop vegetables and even marinate my own tofu. Most of the recipes she gave me were easy and I asked for a lot of ideas when I felt stuck on what to make.  I am slow at losing weight and although I trended in a positive direction, they never made me feel bad for my slow progress. She encouraged me to leave the house and go back to ballet classes which I had stopped attending during the covid lockdowns.

My nutrition coaches and I worked each week to set an intention for the week and a goal I could work towards. Not all of my goals were weight driven. In the 14 months, I have not only achieved my initial personal goal weight, but I attended a weeklong adult ballet camp in Utah over the summer as a middle-aged woman.  Something only my teenage self could have imagined. 

They also helped me remove ultra-processed foods from my diet entirely. I am still not the world’s best cook, but with their coaching and recipes, I set then achieved a goal of making 50 homemade recipes during the last three months. My cooking has also encouraged my friends and family to cook more. 

I could have never believed before that I would be dancing in the Nutcracker this weekend, buying shirts in a size medium, or starting graduate school in January. I have been overweight my whole life and until now I could not even allow myself to imagine what it would be like to not be overweight. But with their help, I absolutely can now see a future where I do not have to be overweight, and I can be a healthy weight.

Our words....

What a privilege it has been to work with Angela, to see her life open up to so many possibilities as her weight reduced and her health and wellbeing improved. Angela has been dedicated to her transformation and kept all her weekly appointments, kept improving her diet, exercising and learning how to cook! Angela is about to start a Graduate program and travel to Peru to present one of her papers for school, whilst holding down a full time job. Kudos to you - you amazing woman!!!



I was referred to Marin Weight Loss & Wellness in January of this year by my Doctor. When I came in, I was tired, tired of carrying around the extra weight, I remembered how I had felt when I weighed less but just didn't know how to get back. I was trying everything! My body was full of aches and pains and my clothes didn't fit any more. I knew I had to do something!

I am a caregiver, so my attention is often on others, looking after their needs and ensuring they have everything they need. It was high time to do some self loving here!

I have now lost close to 30 pounds but have learnt so much about what I should be eating and portion sizes. I exercise once to twice a day and am now maintaining my weight loss, working with my nutritionist and seeing how higher starch foods impact my body and have come to understand how to nourish and move my body.

This is the best gift I have given myself, the gift of good health. The best use of my time, looking after myself, feeling highly energized and that I have a new start to the next stage of my life.

I am so thankful for the team and working closely with my nutritionist has been a wonderful journey together.


When I was a girl my brothers and sister called me Larda instead of Laura. I wasn’t fat; I was just a little pudgy. By the time I hit puberty, I slimmed down, but I was self-conscious of the way I looked and I worked hard at maintaining my weight and fitness.

Throughout my life there were times where my weight went up. One was a road trip, after my high school graduation, with three of my best buddies. Let's just say, road trips with three guys, tailgating at every baseball stadium across the county is not good for the figure, but it was fun! But at 18, with some professional assistance, it wasn’t too hard to lose the weight. Then there were two pregnancies. 

Divorced, remarried and approaching 50, I realized my weight has inched up and I decided I wanted to “shed a skin." On my own, through diet and daily exercise, I lost 15 lbs. and rocked my 50th birthday. Then between 55 and 57 years old, having gone through menopause, something happened. I put on 20 pounds in those two years.

Whatever I did in the past to lose weight was not working now. I struggled with the idea of getting professional assistance for a long time. I didn’t have a lot of weight to lose and I was embarrassed to ask for help when there were people that struggled with their weight far worse than me. There was also the financial commitment that I needed to seriously consider.

One day I decided it was time and I was worth it!

I didn’t know how to do it on my own anymore. I thought it would help to be accountable to someone else other than myself.

The team at marin weight loss “got it” from the moment I walked in. There was no judging, just support. It was the team and program that I needed. The meal plan recommended was spot on. I was all in!

And those weekly weigh ins and in body tests really work to keep you on track.

What really surprised me was how the team were interested in more that just what you ate and how much you exercised. They want to know about you and what is going on in your daily life. What your plans are for the weekend so they can help you navigate your weight loss program through life’s events.


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I have been working with Marin Weight Loss for around 18 months and I have shed 75 pounds! My heart is full now the team has given me the greatest gifts, self-love and good health.

When I started, I was very overweight, sad, depressed, and felt desperate.  Marin Weight Loss and Wellness became my safe place. It has been a place of healing, truth, and learning. Honestly, it has been a lot of hard work, but it has profoundly changed my life, and these changes are real and are lasting. I have shed 75 pounds of life’s baggage; I work out and meditate every day.  I am still on my journey, but I am truly a new and improved version of myself and for this I thank their team.”


Fifteen years and a hundred pounds ago, I was trim, fit and did a lot of outdoor hiking on weekends (Double Dipsea? No problem). But over the years, I became less active and began steadily gaining weight. I started taking prescription meds to control my blood pressure and later a statin to reduce cholesterol. Both worked, so I didn't think I needed to change my diet or my routine of drinks. 'I'm fat - but my numbers are good," was my dodge. Then in 2017 I developed atrial fibrillation and was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. That was it! Time was up! I asked my doctor to help me make a change and he referred me to Marin Weight Loss & Wellness.

The staff counseled me and gave me the knowledge, the encouragement and the menus to make better food choices. My body got used to burning fat instead of carbs. Cravings disappeared. That made all the difference. Although I had set an initial weight loss goal, along the way I 'moved the goalpost' to greater and greater losses - three times - as my confidence and success increased.

Now I have more energy reserves than I remember having for 30 years. No more 'fat' dreams and no more 'fat' clothes. I enjoy my new look as well as the Facebook likes and congratulations as I post my milestones. Cholesterol, blood pressure and sleep apnea problems are all resolved or are resolving.

At the outset I had little faith that I would be able to lose this much weight - yet it was steady and effortless once I was 'in the groove'. Needless to say, it works!

My sincere thanks to the Marin Weight Loss & Wellness team the Nutritionists, Doctor and their illustrious support staff.


My experience at Marin Weight Loss & Wellness has been life-changing, effective, and sustainable. I came to the clinic having gained 25 pounds from emotional eating patterns. As a yoga teacher and wellness fanatic, gaining weight and holding that weight was very hard for me physically and emotionally. I felt uncomfortable in my body and my clothes. I knew all the “right things” to do, but for 2 years I tried intense exercise regimes with little to no changes. I came to MWLW knowing that if I was going to put in another grand effort to feel healthy, I wanted this one to count… and it did! In less than 4 months, with far less effort than I exerted in the past, I have lost 15 pounds and am coming up on 20 pounds! Today I feel light in my body, great in my clothes, and I can run 4 miles on a treadmill like its nothing!

While working with my nutritionists, I learned a new strategy for weight loss, that when followed, has worthwhile and effective results. The entire team is so supportive and I know I wouldn’t have been able to get through some of the harder weeks without their smiling faces cheering me on.  I feel so fortunate to have learned such an accessible strategy for weight management at this time in my life. What I have learned from this program truly is something I will benefit from for the rest of my life. Not to mention, the other benefits I have gained along the way- self-love, patience, will-power, mindfulness, empowerment, strength, diligence, are simply put- priceless! I came to MWLW for weight loss, but ended up learning so much more!

Thank you to the whole MWL crew for supporting my journey!


A year ago I realized that I had been absent from my own life. I was sleeping all afternoon and stuffing my emotions and myself with food I could not taste - binge eating - never feeling full. Unhappy, I knew I had to ring my own doorbell and wake up!

I found lifesaving support at Marin Weight Loss & Wellness. Today, after calling MWLW I have lost 50 pounds, dropped 4 pant sizes and have a healthy relationship with food. I stand instead of sit at work, I keep moving, walking with new energy.

I learned how to sit with my feelings instead of eating mindlessly. I now practice quiet intent, allowing myself to let go of old habits and behaviors.

I am now present and aware of my body, how to nourish not just my hunger but my emotional well being.

The doctor and the whole nutritionist team, I thank you with my entire being. Your collective, loving and genuine support over the past year has allowed me to believe I am strong and capable of reaching my goals. I am so grateful to all of you! You are a precious gift! You have changed my mindset, gently encouraging my success with compassionate personal eating plans and weekly reflections. I appreciate every time you say hello and smile, welcoming me with laughter and joy. For the doctor, your concern, knowledge and care are uplifting!

A wise woman (my nutritionist at MWL) once told me, we have a finite number of days in our lives and only we can choose how to live them! I choose joy and health.


I started going to the Marin Weight Loss & Wellness Center after gaining way too much weight after my pregnancy. I knew I needed motivation and to change my eating habits but couldn’t do it myself. After 4 months, I am now finally to a healthy weight and have lost about 20 pounds!

I feel better than ever, have more energy and I’m healthy for my family. What helped the most was changing my mindset when it comes to food. I used to eat tons of pasta, pizza, and starchy foods. Now I actually prefer to put healthy foods in my body such as fruits, veggies, and healthy meats and fats.

They provided me with delicious recipes and a plan on how to realistically implement healthy eating into my crazy life. I am forever grateful for my nutritionists, and the whole team for being so positive and kind throughout the process!


With the support of Marin Weight Loss and Wellness, I have lost 40 pounds! Now I am learning to maintain the weight loss with a new way of nourishing my body and overall health the doctor and my nutritionist have played an integral part in my journey to realize a more healthy life for myself!

When I came to Marin Weight Loss and Wellness I had horrible eating habits and a significant amount of stress in my life that included growing teen boys, stressful work life and my partner was nearing the end of a year's worth of cancer treatment (happily, he now lives cancer free). Needless to say, I was overwhelmed! I was facing a big commitment to myself and wondered, can I really do this? Once I realized it had taken me a long time to learn to eat in an unhealthy way, I finally was able to accept that I was going to have to allow myself the time to learn new healthier ways. I was supported with compassionate nutritional counseling, meal plans, shopping lists and menus full of flavorful foods. I was also able to look at the stress in my life and slowly eliminated what I could and incorporate ways to cope with the stress that remained.

My journey started eight months ago and I carry on today with new skills to live the healthiest life possible. Along the way, I have not been even close to perfect in my everyday choices, but everyday I am willing to try again. I have learned to not be too harsh with myself when I am not perfect. When I find that my inner critic is speaking up, I hear my nutritionists voice (Aussie accent included), reminding me to “be kind to yourself”. I am truly thankful for Marin Weight Loss and Wellness for the invaluable service they provide.


Most of my life I didn’t have to worry about my weight for whatever reason until the last 5 years or so. I wasn’t a weight watcher but I had started to put on a few pounds, nothing too terrible. I’m gaining a few pounds. “l better watch what I eat” I told myself and I did. I watched it and I ate it.

Recently I got on the scale, I was heavier than I had ever been! I was only about 15 pounds overweight but it really got my attention. I was in the early stages of becoming a “fat boy”! I went for a consultation at Marin Weight Loss & Wellness and I left feeling kind of excited! The following week I met with my nutritionist, this was the beginning of a new way of life for me and best of all it was something I could do.

I really can’t say enough about the nutrition team, they have been there for me in a way I can’t explain. She showed me how I could eat and cook good food that I like with lots of options. Ok, I at the time I decided to take that first step. I was 5’10” and 190 pounds today I’m at 173-74.

This is by far one of best things I have done for myself! Energy? I still enjoy my naps but now I’m doing things like cleaning my garage, rearranging my closet, even deleting stuff from my computer, all because I FEEL like it. Life changing. Thank you Marin Weight Loss & Wellness staff.


Turning 50 years is a big deal. Well at least it was for me! That year had big changes for me. New job. Desk job at that. Youngest child moved out of state to go to college and I had recently divorced. So, finding myself alone more frequently then I anticipated lead to major emotional eating. I tried to control it, deal with it myself for several months. After all, I have tried every diet, weight loss plan, fade, gimmick on the planet.

I was finally tired of losing the same 20 pounds every 2 to 3 years. I was yo-yo dieting and I was convinced it screwed up my metabolism. So, I finally decided I needed help, and not something that I had tried before because obviously it didn't work long term, at least for me. I needed someone to help me, coach me, steer me in the right direction. Well, I found it and I couldn't be happier with the results. It was a long, sometimes frustrating process over the last 6 months but the staff at Marin Wellness have been nothing but supportive and caring. From the minute I walked in they were SO very friendly and helpful. My nutritionist is awesome! I can't say enough but her expertise and wisdom. She always found a solution for every issue I was having.  The doctor is compassionate, caring and a realist. The doctor looked at what I was doing and why I was doing it and give my lots of help and suggestions to change the things I needed to change. 

The whole program is awesome and I have learned so much about myself and learned tools to keep the changes I have made for life. I love the program and staff and would recommend it to anyone that feels they need help with weight loss or getting healthy in general.


Can I just tell you how much I love the Marin Weight Loss & Wellness Center? I have been a yo yo dieter since my late 20’s. I would lose the weight pretty rapidly then gain it all back + 10-20 lbs. It was very discouraging and gave me a negative self esteem.

Now in my 70’s I was nearly 200lbs. once again. I tried on my own to get the weight off but it was the same old pattern. This time I went to the internet to find a positive weight loss center. My first visit was awesome, Nicole, Dawn and Heather in the front office were so friendly and cordial, it was obvious they enjoyed their jobs. Then I met with the doctor who set up a personal plan for me. She was very pleasant and really listened to my concerns.

I met each week with the Nutritionist, I can’t say enough about her, she is warm, charming, personal and really knows HER STUFF. Professional in a totally supportive manner, suggesting goals each week and then follows through the next week to see if I could adhere to the dietary plan and other lifestyle suggestions. She is just so cheerful and never negative.

I look forward to my next visit, to be around such positive, cheerful people, this has been key to getting the weight off. There is no fixed plan, they work around you and your needs.

Rachanna, the Office Manager is a resource for everything, she suggests different products and even helped my with my I phone, at 71 I am not a techy! Dawn has also researched many different things for me, I can’t say enough about the center, you can’t go wrong here, these are just a few examples of the supportive, encouraging environment.


Marin Weight Loss & Wellness has been a life changer for me. I reached an uncomfortable weight and after losing and gaining back 6-8 lbs several times I decided I needed extra help. While looking for a local Weight Watchers group the Marin Weight Loss & Wellness Center came up instead. I was so impressed with the testimonials on their website I decided to give it a try. I have finally been able to lose 18 lbs and have high confidence I’ll lose the remaining amount I’ve planned on. I’ve also gained the confidence I’ve never had that I can keep it off long term. This is the first time dieting I have not felt hungry all the time. Marin Weight Loss has taught me important skills, like making sure I get in my snacks — that has been key. They have also taught me the right things to eat in combination and this has made a huge difference in keeping my appetite in check. I’m thrilled with the results and with my new level of confidence in long term weight management. I highly recommend their service.


After almost three years of starting my weight loss and maintenance program, I continue to manage my weight loss of 70 pounds.

I exercise every day and have a structured plan of eating which also includes some of the doctors high protein products. I am happy every day with my weight loss and the ability to manage my eating.


In just three short months the team have helped me to lose 30lbs!

I have a sensitive stomach and a lot of weight loss products and nutritional shakes upset my stomach. My nutritionist has worked tirelessly to help me find the right combination of Whole Foods, natural supplements and self discipline.

The owner has a wonderful whole food and natural approach to weight loss. It’s not easy getting started but when you actually see results so rapidly it gives you the motivation to keep going. I would highly recommend the program to anyone who is looking for a healthy and long term weight loss plan.


I came to Marin Weight Loss & Wellness looking for guidance in my struggle to lose weight.  I had tried everything to lose weight without success and the doctor came highly recommended by a few of my friends. I joined the 12 week program and began seeing results immediately, which motivated me to continue.

With the support from her fabulous staff and the products available, I have seen a 20 pound weight loss and I feel and look better than I have in a long time. I just signed up for a second session to continue on my path to success.

They taught me about healthy eating habits, the value of exercise, and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. They are extremely supportive and believed in me every step of the way.  The benefits have been priceless and I have more energy, am happier, more confident in myself, and feel more focused and successful in my work. This program is fabulous – it’s a lifestyle change, not a diet.

My doctor is supportive and encourages me regularly.  The demeanor and bedside manner are calm, positive, thorough, attentive, flexible, and personal. I always look forward to my visits with her and setting up new goals for myself.