Marin Weight Loss Center - Novato, CA

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Read about Max and how he has completely changed the way he eats!

In Max's words...

I started working with Marin Weight Loss and Wellness Center in 2022.

Before the pandemic started in 2020, I had been more active (walking part of the way to/from work, walking at lunch, etc),but switching to a work from home schedule brought my activity levels way down. As a result my weight went up and my doctor looked at my bloodwork and said it was time for some changes.I also ate a lot of frozen/packaged/take-out foods, never paid any attention to carb intake and that didn’t help.

Working with Cassale (Nutritionist) I was able to completely change my diet and achieve the results I was looking for. I prepare all of my own food now with only occasional restaurant food and it has resulted in weight loss, better blood work, feeling/looking better, feeling more alert and being less tired. Cassale also encourages exercise (giving detailed suggestions) along with dietary changes and that has helped as well.

At the office they use a state of the art “InBody Body Composition Analyzer” which measures your fat, muscle and total body water, displaying detailed data of your body composition. Each office appointment you use this device and view the results after with Cassale and discuss changes seen in the data since the last/previous visits to determine what diet and exercise changes can be made to either get you back on track or continue as-is based on the data.

I can’t emphasize enough how important/helpful it is to see this detailed data each visit, followed by the discussion right then of how to apply the data to changes. It’s this custom tailored scientific approach that’s worked for me.

Cassale also has provided many recipes and advises on food/recipe choices that I make. She taught me how to intelligently read food ingredient/nutrition labels. I now visit the farmers market each week for fruits and vegetables and buy organic chickens from local markets.

My freezer which used to be floor to ceiling with prepared foods from the supermarket now just has ice in it.

The entire staff at Marin Weight Loss and Wellness Center has always been great:  Friendly, professional and results-driven.  Easy to schedule/reschedule visits, easy billing to my employer-subsidized Health Savings Account credit-card, appointments start/end on time and overall zero-problems working with them for 2 years.

I give Marin Weight Loss and Wellness Center the highest rating and would encourage anyone who needs help with weight loss or other nutritional advice to give them a try.


Cassale's words....

I really enjoy working with Max! In the first instance he came to take care of his blood sugar and now has been on a mission to eat as clean and healthily as possible. 

I am truly delighted with these long and lasting changes that Max has made, this is the work, the changed mindset, the established habits. It may seem repetitive as first but as you set the tone of your routine it just feels easier, life does!

Congratulations Max, you are truly remarkable!