How do you align your action with intent?
Today I want to talk about harmonizing your heart's desire with action. How do you hold your truest intention for yourself and ensure that it is coming into fruition? How do you feel that, sense that for yourself?
How can you feel congruent, in total alignment with your goals?
You have a vision of the healthiest you, you want to feel better, you are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired! So how do you start, how do you take that first step?
Find your North Star! Envision how you would like to look and feel and then you need to start aligning how your day is organized, in parallel to your intention. For example, if you are not taking time to prepare your meals, whether you prepare them or a third party prepares them, then this does not harmonize with your intent. You have to be ready to change what you are doing on a daily basis, if you want a different result. How do you make time to start? Do you have to get to bed earlier, spend some time setting up an online grocery delivery? Reflect on what the necessary action is and take it!
We need to keep aligning our lives with our intent and that takes discipline, routine and action. So you actualize your intent!
In a world where the quick fix is actually usually the worst thing for our health long term, we need to dig deeper, into our own guiding compass, to our hearts supported by our determination.
At first the changes may feel difficult, it may feel like you have to use a lot of 'will' to action your heart's desire. However as you move through your process and are starting to have positive feedback, your energy is better, you don't have so many aches and pains, the scale is moving. Then something starts to open in your heart. Some harmony is developing between your heart and your 'will' and there is more flow as you are aligned with intention.
I often like to use my own example of how how 'will' can feel so different as we open to our truth. When I was just using 'will' without connecting to my heart, life felt hard, there was this sense that I was alone, I would often feel like I was being thrown down a river and kept head planting against boulders, no joke, pretty uncomfortable! My body felt rigid and contracted and there was no trust in myself or divine flow. Now when I am in alignment and following my heart towards the truth, I feel a sense of floating, there is an effortlessness, that I am being carried by the current, down stream, nothing to do, no paddle needed. The difference, was connecting my heart with my intent and not feeling like I had to push and shove my way to get what I wanted.
Start with your heart's yearning and your path will become illuminated.
Love and light,
Cassale Sherriff
Nutritionist, Exercise Physiologist, Meditation Teacher