Why Does Weight Loss Coaching Work?

I wanted to talk about coaching today and how valuable it can be to your weight loss success. I have been a coach for many years, starting off my career as a tennis coach when I was 18 years old. I opened up my own junior tennis academy and paid my way through school! Not a bad gig! I enjoyed the kids and sensed how much they loved being motivated in a positive, uplifting way.

A firm believer that every experience lays the ground for the next, I have channelled that uplifting tone into my work as a health coach. It's paramount I understand what your motivations and goals are - YOUR WHY? Then I can truly become part of your support team, listening intently, acting as a sounding board, so you can learn about yourself and see the behaviors in your life that may be getting in the way of your goals and then guide you towards success.

Some of the tools and skills utilized in the process are:

Sounding board: Almost every single person I coach already ‘knows’ what he or she should be doing, so suggesting solutions is not as useful as you naming exactly what it is, you plan to do. I want you to come up with the answer, so you have a better chance at arriving at the desired outcome. At the most basic level, a coach merely plays the role of a sounding board. Seems simple enough right? However when you really think of it, when was the last time you felt truly listened to? How often in this world of constant talking and no silence do we get a chance to sit with a problem, and to think it through fully? In this world of speaking and no listening, when do we have someone who is completely focused on listening to us, not just our words, but also listening at a deeper level to the meaning between the lines, listening to what is unspoken, and listening to the emotions in the midst of the silences? One of the biggest gifts that a coach can offer you is deep listening. In my conversations with my own coach and teachers, I am immensely touched by the sacredness of the space in which I am heard.

Curiosity: During deep and focused listening, the curiosity arises of why? Why is it this way? What could you do about that? Where does that belief come from? These questions and many more allow you to stop and look at your behavior with a fresh perspective. This curiosity, free from judgement, helps us re-evaluate our thinking. Deep questions that arise from deep listening can lead to our ‘aha’ moments. It is these questions that can lead you from “Yes, I know I should probably be doing that.” to “Oh, yes I think I can do that!” Your very own change talk!

Challenge: At times we tend to sink into our comfort zones, it’s not called a comfort zone for nothing! It’s comfortable! We like it. Coaching helps us to get out of our comfort zones, by taking small steps. We want to stretch and flex our skills and muscles, without creating such huge leaps that we end up in the panic zone. If we are not challenged from time to time, we don’t grow.

Our ‘aha’ moments: My most favorite part of the coaching session is when a client says:  “Oh, I didn’t think of it that way before!” It is this shift in thinking that clears the blockages. The new insight gained creates new energy and momentum to move forward.

Accountability: Once we’ve arrived at a point where we know what the next step is, we need to ensure that life doesn’t get in the way, that we don’t lose focus on our goals. As an accountability partner, a coach will help you to break down your goals into achievable pieces and support you in your progress. Accountability partners increase your likelihood of success.

Support: Let’s face it: We all need more support. There’s a reason why most sporting activities have supporters. It helps you go that extra mile. We all need someone who will cheer us on and encourage us.

These are just a few of the valuable tools and skills that are used in a coaching session. In this world of increasing demands with decreasing connection and support, the benefits of a coaching relationship is truly valuable.

Come and start your journey with us, towards your best health!

Love and light,

Cassale Sherriff

Nutritionist, Exercise Physiologist, Meditation Teacher